The reordering strategy of spare parts for the maintenance of production facilities must take into account parameters characterized by high variability in terms of time and cost.
The reordering strategy of spare parts for the maintenance of production facilities must take into account parameters characterized by high variability in terms of time and cost.
Predictive analysis system to have much more accurate and no longer overestimated reorder forecasts, as well as less material waste and thus cost optimization.
Reorder forecasts not overestimated, hence reduction in out-of-stock parts, increase in spare part requirements, and significant reduction in lead time.
Energy buying and selling activities, in the wholesale market, are characterized by daily financial uncertainty. It is crucial to set up imbalance risk management, which can calculate the macrozonal sign imbalance parameter.
The developed solution was based on ML and DL techniques and is capable of making hourly predictions and training incremental models.
Hourly forecasting and optimization of the macrozonal sign imbalance prediction process.